09 December 2010


i've been taught not to put lies to anyone of us..

so, don't lie to me...
biggest mistake if do so..

11 October 2010

Beautiful Doa

Oh God, we ask You by every name You have.
By every name that You given by Yourself.
and every name You have sent us in Your Book.
and by every name You have thought to your creation.
and any by name no one knows except for You.
To attach Glorious Arabic Quran to our hearts.
and make it radiate in our chests.
and have it end our sadness and make it take away our stess..

Oh God You alone know the weight of mountains.
and You alone can graps the dimension of the ocean.
and You alone know the number of raindrops.
and You alone know the number of leaves.
and You alone know the numbar of nights and number through time.

Oh Lord, of the universe..

Fahd Al-Kanderi

01 October 2010

The Day

i'm sorry my friends.. tomorrow is the day... i'm sorry i'm not joining you all..

i've been selfish to be a good in all classes.
i've been selfish to be one of those leaders.
i've been selfish to dedicate in friendship with all my colleague.
i've been selfish to get close with educators.
i've been selfish to improve my personality.
i've been selfish to be independent in thoughts.
i've been selfish to ease and comfort in daily life..

i've been selfish for myself, to be a better person.

i'm helpless,
i've been controlled recklessly.
i can't be myself.

all understandings been abused with 'shallows' and 'afraid'...

'they' will never know... even now.

i'm sorry my friends.i wish i'm there. together.

18 September 2010

by a Result

You Are An ISFJ
The Nurturer

You have a strong need to belong, and you very loyal.
A good listener, you excel at helping others in practical ways.
In your spare time, you enjoy engaging your senses through art, cooking, and music.
You find it easy to be devoted to one person... a partner who you do special things for.

In love, you express your emotions through actions.
Taking care of someone is how you love them. And you do it well!

At work, you do well in a structured environment. You complete tasks well and on time.
You would make a good interior designer, chef, or child psychologist.

How you see yourself: Competent, dependable, and detail oriented

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Boring, dominant, and stuck in a rut

10 July 2010

after some nearly accidents, deadly: i always thought they are waiting for my disability, then i can have one...

if a death, i wish, really-really wish. they will celebrate happily ever after.

25 June 2010

Silap Orang

diam, jahil dan kena tipu...

...not necessary to feel guilty. they never will to.

03 June 2010

conservative, stereotype.

kau tak boleh lebih dari aku..

...new definition, yet, old minded.

08 May 2010


Child, or Foster Child..

cannot be defined, nowadays..

05 May 2010

bicara tiada

ada mata padang. ada telinga dengar. ada mulut diam. jika perlu bicara...

jangan sia-siakan diri sendiri dan hidup manusia lain.

27 April 2010

properly to be said

"...Life is fragile", Steve Jobs.

23 April 2010


selamat membaca.

apabila ber'kira'... memang senang utk susahkan, hidup orang lain.